Monsters Among Us, YA book suggestions for people that love vampires, werewolves, and ghosts

Hello Reader,

As I have ranted a few times, I am a graduate student earning my master degree in Library Wizardry. I am currently in two classes which allow me to read YA books for homework. This is half yay and half “why are you making me read this god awful book!”, but recently I had an assignment to do a book talk with teens and make recommendations based on a theme.

Obviously, I decided to have my theme include werewolves. I love werewolves, and let’s be honest… I think most people like paranormal and supernatural creatures. They can either follow the Rule Of Cool, be allegories for our own vices, or maybe make us fall in love with them. Yeah, I just linked three TvTropes in a row, I will see you back here in a couple days!

It was suggested to me by Eden over at Blogging Between the Lines to share the brochure I made with other teen librarians. The topic of my brochure and presentation is “Monsters Among Us,” which is primarily supernatural, paranormal, and/or urban fantasy. Of course, there are other genres dipped in, such as humor, but the thing that binds these titles together are the non-human entities that exist within their chapters.

I hope you enjoy! Maybe you will find something great to read in my brochure. Feel free to use it for your own purposes, but please credit me if you are doing anything professional with it!

Link to brochure.



Monsters Among Us
